Course Descriptions
for Healthcare Professional
Level 1 Basic
This is the foundation course and is divided into an online theory component and in-classroom practical component.
Level 1 Theory is an easy-to-follow, online PowerPoint slide format prepared by physicians from the Dr. Vodder Academy. All students entering our training program will take this component first. This requires reading, studying, and an exam, all of which should take between 20 – 45 hours to complete. It is available in English, German, French, Italian, Mandarin and Japanese. Successful completion of the online exam enables continuation to the Level 1 practical course. Required Text is Dr Vodder's Manual Lymph Drainage A Practical Guide. Click here to purchase.
Level 1 Practical. This 4-day classroom course covers the original Dr. Vodder Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) strokes and their application to each body part, including neck, face, arms, legs, nape, back, buttocks, chest and abdomen.

Level 2 Applied MLD
Level 2 Applied MLD. This 4-day classroom course can be taken after Level 1 is complete. It is designed for those therapists whose primary focus is not patients with lymphedema. There are many applications of MLD, apart from those for patients with edema and in this course, clinical indications for MLD are taught for patients with a functional lymph vessel system. These include whiplash, burns, migraines, tinnitus, CRPS, stroke, supination trauma for the ankle, knee arthroplasty, cruciate ligament repair, adhesive capsulitis and hip pathologies. A practical exam is given at the end of this course and successful completion enables certification in Applied MLD from the Dr. Vodder Academy/School – International. After completing Level 2, you can attend Level 3.
Level 3 Lymphedema
This 9-day classroom course is designed for those interested in lymphedema and edema management. It is taken after completion of Level 1 or Level 2 and comprises theory and practical segments. (You can go directly from Level 1 to Level 3. Level 2 can be taken at anytime as long as Level 1 has been completed.) Required Text is Lymphedema Diagnosis and Therapy. Click here to purchase.
Level 3 Lymphedema Theory. This 2-day segment is taught in class by a medical doctor or PhD-level lymphologist. The pathophysiological background of edemas, in general, is covered as well as lymphedema and lipedema. Indications, contraindications and differential diagnosis of edema is explained. A theory exam is given during the Level 3 course.
Level 3 Lymphedema Practical. This 7-day segment includes the correct application of Combined Decongestive Therapy (CDT). This includes MLD, compression therapy (bandages & garments), edema exercises and skin care. Applications include treatment of upper and lower extremity lymphedema, lipedema, chronic venous insufficiency edema and head & neck edema. A practical exam is taken at the end of the 9 day course.
Successful completion of theory and practical exams enables certification in Lymphedema management from the Dr. Vodder Academy/School – International.
*All course descriptions care of Dr. Vodder School International